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This series explores the rich history of Europe from 1600-present. 29 episodes to date (click above for series overview).
A balanced effort to understand the history behind one of the world’s most bitter conflicts. 11 episodes to date (click above to see series overview)
Hello everyone and welcome to my website! To the left you can find some of our recent episodes, and clicking on the images above will take you to an overview of the series.
I’m currently working on a new section for recommended readings for those of you who want more “history on the page.”
Our next three episodes will be about the 1956 Suez War and the 1967 6-Day War; after that we’ll get back to European history will a 12 part introductory series on Hitler and Nazi Germany. There will also be a number of special episodes on dedicated topics such as Nazism and the Occult or the History of Auschwitz, which will be available only to our Patreon supporter. I’ll post here when they are ready. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy/find helpful the remaining episodes on Israel/Palestine.
Greenville. Feb 2025.